
Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Post

So we have a blog now. Thought it might be a nice way to let people know what we've been up to lately. Sounds like a great way to keep in touch!

The Basics:
We were married on January 3, 2009 in New Jersey at Gabbie's home church. Ever since, we've been living in Michigan. Rob works as a flight instructor at a local community college. Gabbie has been actively searching for work and will start a customer service position in about a week.

Being married has been a very exciting adventure so far. It's not always easy, but we have a lot of fun together. That's one of the very many perks of marrying your best friend. We love to laugh together, watch movies, play board games and just hang out. We're hoping to become more involved in our small community through church and other activities.

Please keep us in prayer as there are a lot of new and tough decisions we have to make in the next few months.

Thanks for checking out our blog!
-Gabbie and Rob