
Monday, May 4, 2009

New stuff...

Well, not much has happened since our first post. The call center position didn't work out because the temp agency wanted to use transfers instead of new employees for this particular department. They said they would keep me in mind for the next training class but are not sure when that will be. I'm still waiting to hear from the library to see whether or not I got the job. It's been 5 weeks since I interviewed, 2 since I last called. It's only part time, but with my previous library experience I think I would enjoy it. It provides two things we need at this point: a chance for me to get out of the house and some extra income.

Right now, it seems like we're struggling more than we thought. We expected to have two incomes by this point. Sometimes we have to dip into our savings (not something we would like to do) in order to make ends meet. I don't want to complain about it because I know we are still blessed beyond measure. It could be way worse and is worse for so many in this country right now. We are trying to be grateful for what we do have. We have each other, our family, our breath and we can afford to eat and live. I think the lesson for us is to learn to be more thankful and to trust God to provide the rest.

In other news, we found a church that seems to be a good fit. We've gone there the last 4 weeks. It's right down the road, a literal 2 minute drive. The topics are interesting including marriage, family, worry, regret and other life issues. The pastor is pretty dead on with his messages and they are biblically sound. It has been really helpful and applicable to ours lives at this point. It's a place we both enjoy. We enjoy the music and worship. It is a larger and more modern church than we are used to. It seems that they have a place for everyone. We are hoping to become more involved soon. We would like to join a small group and maybe some other activities they have going on. Even though we don't know how long we'll be in Michigan (hopefully not all that much longer), we want to connect while we're here. I want to leave knowing I knew some people.

So the conclusion is that I'm still looking for a job, we found a church we like, and we might be leaving the state soon. Pray that we can connect more in our community while we are here. It's so nice to be around people. Pray also that we will trust God to provide our needs.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you!! And I hope you get to read the Gosselin's book sometime soon - it's so amazing. :)
